전체 61

One New Man: Ephesians 3

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 126 7 0 3 2021-09-01
Hello, I'm Shalom Min, the servant of Christ This book records the meditation of Ephesians and can be said to contain personal God's revelations and macroscopic and specific God's savior. As many of you know, Ephesians has a very deep and wide spiritual secret hidden. It is surprising that there are many recorded spirits of wisdom and revelation that I cannot reach when I loo..

One New Man: Ephesians 4

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 154 9 0 3 2021-09-01
Hello, I'm Shalom Min, the servant of Christ This book records the meditation of Ephesians and can be said to contain personal God's revelations and macroscopic and specific God's savior. As many of you know, Ephesians has a very deep and wide spiritual secret hidden. It is surprising that there are many recorded spirits of wisdom and revelation that I cannot reach when I loo..

무자본전자책 바이럴마케팅

윌리엄경 | LORDWILL | 10,000원 구매
0 0 267 13 0 87 2021-08-27
사실 제가 전자책 바이럴마케팅 방법을 알게 된 지 얼마 안됐습니다. 시작은 이랬습니다. 한 커뮤니티에서 강의를 듣는데 강사님께서 페이스북 광고를 하고 계시는 것을 봤습니다. 광고를 클릭하면 클릭한 사람에게 출간한 종이책의 PDF원고를 주는 것이었습니다. 물론 책의 저작권 문제는 출판사와 협의된 내용이었습니다. 그 종이책을 본 잠재 고객이 오픈채팅방이나 강사의 이메일, 전화번호로 유입되면 강의 전환이 이루어지는 정확한 잠재고객 타겟팅이었습니다. 무자본전자책을 이용한 바이럴마케팅의 원리도 이와 같습니다. 전자책이기 때문에 페이지 부담도 없을뿐더러 정확하게 나의 컨텐츠를 원하는 잠재고객을 타겟팅할 수 있습니다. 사실 제가 이 방법으로 수익화를 이뤄낸 것이 얼마 ..

ReturntoGospel(3) Resurection of Christ

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 143 11 0 0 2021-08-12
Hello, I'm Shalom Min the servant of Christ The essence of our faith. These days, the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ is considered more brilliant and precious. The world is running faster towards the end. The division is further tarnishing and degenerating the gospel as if it had sensed its end was near, and spreading constant temptation (Adm. 4:4) so that Jesus' gosp..

Return to Gospel(4) Ascension of Christ

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 155 6 0 2 2021-08-12
Hello, I'm Shalom Min the servant of Christ The essence of our faith. These days, the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ is considered more brilliant and precious. The world is running faster towards the end. The division is further tarnishing and degenerating the gospel as if it had sensed its end was near, and spreading constant temptation (Adm. 4:4) so that Jesus' gosp..

Active Leadership

Sook Hee, Yoon | LORDWILL | 10,000원 구매
0 0 147 14 0 7 2021-08-11
Leadership is important in organizational management. As I ran various communities and organizations, I realized the good effects of leadership on organizations and the importance of organizational management. However, I planned this book because I thought there was no standardized manual to show leadership, such as which leader is a good leader and what desirable thoughts an..

The Lord’s Prayers

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 186 7 0 2 2021-08-10
Hello, I'm Shalom, Min. the servant of Christ. While accompanying the Holy Spirit, he impressed me to meditate on Ephesus. It's just a small meditation compared to Martin Lloyd Jones's Ephesus or other great believers' sermons on the strong side, but I look forward to your relationship with the Lord. Recently, I read Ephesus repeatedly, but I was moved to meditate on the co..

Return to Gospel(1) The Birth of Christ

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 177 16 0 1 2021-08-10
Hello, I'm Shalom Min the servant of Christ The essence of our faith. These days, the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ is considered more brilliant and precious. The world is running faster towards the end. The division is further tarnishing and degenerating the gospel as if it had sensed its end was near, and spreading constant temptation (Adm. 4:4) so that Jesus' go..

Dear Son: Timothy 1

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 142 22 0 3 2021-08-07
Hello, I'm Min Shalom, the servant of Christ. Before entering the seminary, I meditated on the Demodel following the Holy Spirit's impression. The title [To My Dear Son] is because the Lord encouraged me to teach me as a father responsible for my children. As God's father told me, Paul was absorbed in taking what he had told Timothy and keeping it in his heart. Especially, th..

Dear Son: Timothy 2

Shalom, Min | LORDWILL | 5,000원 구매
0 0 130 16 0 2 2021-08-07
Hello, I'm Min Shalom, the servant of Christ. Before entering the seminary, I meditated on the Demodel following the Holy Spirit's impression. The title [To My Dear Son] is because the Lord encouraged me to teach me as a father responsible for my children. As God's father told me, Paul was absorbed in taking what he had told Timothy and keeping it in his heart. Especially, th..

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